Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Cry me out

Skirt: H&M,Leggings, Black T-shirt, Black jacket 

Love,peace and fashion Ikin´

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Desert Flower

I am happy, naive and myself ...So it should be ...At least I think so ...

 I am waiting for the last three days the school.  5 July traveling to Germany for what I am looking forward.Tally Weijl, H & M ,....:)))Sales ...I do not know why, but I can not produce a coherent article.  I would like, but I have an obstacle that prevents me from doing this. I have something, but I do not know where I manage to finish it. :)

Som štastná, naivná a sama sebou...
Tak to má byť...
Aspoň si to myslím...

Takže, známky už mám uzavreté a čakajú ma posledné tri dni školy. Na vysvedčení budem mať samé jednotky a 5 Júla cestujem do Nemecka, na čo sa veľmi teším. 
Tally Weijl, H&M,....:)))
Neviem prečo, ale nedokážem vyprodukovať jeden súvislý článok. Tak veľmi by som chcela, ale mám nejakú brzdu, ktorá mi v tom bráni. Mám niečo rozpracované, no neviem, kedy sa mi to podarí dopísať. :) 

Love,peace and fashion Ikin´

Saturday, 26 June 2010

'Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you

T-shirt: New Yorker, Jacket: H&M, Bag: New Yorker, Leggings

Love,peace and fashion Ikin´

Friday, 25 June 2010



Few months, years ago:  

Love,peace and fashion Ikin´ 

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

You see me standing there And act like you don't know me

Dress: Next, Jacket: Kenvelo, Necklace: Takko

I don´t have time, I absolutely don´t have time ...:))*-*I love you and thank you for all your lovely comments ...*-* 

Nemám čas, absolútne nemám čas...:))
Najlepšie nápady na články mám zväčša vtedy, keď nemám pri sebe papier ani pero. No nie je to na potvoru? 
Ľúbim vás a ďakujem za všetky vaše krásne komentáre...*-*

Love,peace and fashion Ikin´

Sunday, 20 June 2010

King of the hopeless will fall We're gonna knock the walls

Scarf: from Germany, Dress: Promod, Leggings: H&M, Shoes: New Look, Glasses: Hello Kitty and Takko, bracelets 

 Love,peace and fashion Ikin´

You spend you money You can't get no satisfaction

                                                            Love,peace and fashion Ikin´