Today I have taken care of my younger brother and in doing so I follow what is happening around. From the distance, the two younger boys played and it looked to be very fun and they can understand. But after a while came a surprise. After the game, full of laughter, one of them stood and stuck the other. Boy fell to the ground, he broke glasses and wept. Second, that it stuck, just leave.
Why do I write? Because it's just like with life. First it is grace, understanding, and wish you ,suddenly, when everything is perfect, give you a slap in the form of something you can touch for life.
I am with my life very happy and I thank all those who have done such a life. I try to also people around who are less fortunate than I have had a chance for a better life and helping them, I try not to think only of themselves. But still there is the fear that life turned against me and Zazen me into the pit, where they will not escape me some and inflict a wound. But I think art is to overcome their fear and stand up against him. *-*
Dnes som dávala pozor na môjho mladšieho brata a popri tom som sledovala, čo sa okolo deje. Obďaleč sa hrali dvaja mladší chlapci a vyzeralo to, že sa veľmi dobre bavia a rozumejú si. No po chvíli prišlo prekvapenie. Po hre plnej smiechu sa jeden z nich postavil a strčil toho druhého. Chlapček spadol na zem, rozbili sa mu okuliare a plakal. Druhý, ktorý ho strčil, jednoducho odišiel.
Prečo to tu píšem? Pretože je to presne tak, ako so životom. Najprv je k vám milostivý, chápavý, praje vám a zrazu, keď je všetko ideálne, dá vam facku v podobe niečoho, čo vás môže poznačiť na celý život.
Ja som so svojím životom veľmi spokojná a ďakujem všetkým, ktorí mi takýto život urobili. Snažím sa, aby aj ľudia okolo, ktorí také šťastie ako ja nemali, mali šancu na lepší život a pomáham im, snažím sa nemyslieť len na seba. No stále je tu aj strach z toho, že sa život obráti proti mne a zaženie ma do priepasti, odkiaľ nebude úniku a uštedrí mi nejakú ranu. No myslím, že umením je prekonať svoj strach a postaviť sa proti nemu. *-*
Love,peace and fashion Ikin´
veľmi pravdivý článok.
ReplyDeletecute blog
velmi pekne si to napisala =)
ReplyDeletewhats the song in the headline ??
ReplyDeleteive heard it just a few seconds ago, but just can´t find it :(
aaaaah jea just found it, but thank you anyway ;)