Thursday, 1 July 2010

I Know What I Want

The first day of vacation ....It was completely what I wanted it to be ...This morning I woke up about 10: 15 .. (my record, usually sleeps longer than the ninth ...:))Then I did nothing, nothing and nothing ....Then I hung wet laundry, wiped dishes, harvested strawberries and then again, nothing, nothing and nothing.....:))... And finally ... something about the fifth I went to the cinema (Eclipse), which got me completely ....It was beautiful and thrilling, and I think the world is nothing more beautiful than the story ....<3Do not ask why there's a heart ....:)))

Prvý prázdninový deň....
Bol úplne taký, aký som ho chcela mať...
Ráno som vstala o 10: 15...(môj rekord, zvyčajne nespím dlhšie ako do deviatej...:))
Potom som robila nič, nič a nič....
Potom som zavesila mokré prádlo, utrela riad, pozbierala jahody a potom znovu nič, nič a nič.....
:))...A konečne niečo...o piatej som šla do kina (Eclipse ), ktoré ma úplne dostalo....
Bolo to nádherné a strhujúce a myslím, že na svete nie je nič krajšie, než tento príbeh....
Nepýtajte sa, prečo je tu to srdiečko....

Love, peace and fashion Ikin´


  1. love your hair bow! great pic =)

  2. Keep enjoying your summer!:D
    Beauty. Fashion. Interior Design.
    & Life According to Marie.

  3. na eclipse jdu za týden a nehorázně se těšííím!:D

  4. what a great picture. you are so beautiful!

  5. what a cute picture! you're so pretty.
