Friday, 15 March 2013

odviate vetrom.

Žijeme v rozličných svetoch. Ty si tam a ja som tu. Môj vesmír, tvoj vesmír, iné galaxie. Žiadne mliečne cesty ani dráha. Žiadne premostenia. Ani raketoplány nemáme, aby sme sa k sebe dostali. Dve rozličné dimenzie, ktoré sú ďaleko od seba. Tvárime sa, že sa milujeme a hlboké priepasti medzi nami nevnímame. Naoko. Zdanlivo.
Ale všetci vedia, že je to len pretvárka. Strúhame pózy, aby sme uspokojili očakávania spoločnosti. Hráme divadlo, aby sme zakryli niečo, čo má ostať skryté.
Faloš tu, faloš tam, na koho sa pozerám? Na seba, na teba, na nás.
Sme v tom spolu....

Aj v tom vetre. Drž ma pevne.
Vlasy dupkom. Prevráti ma hore pupkom?
Snáď nie.
Aj keď, včera a dnes som od toho nebola ďaleko.
Divím sa, že môj fotograf bol ochotný ma odfotiť.

Love, peace and fashion Ivanka

Topánky: Poľsko, Silónky: Takko, Kabát: Camaieu, Šortky: Romwe, Košeľa: Second-hand (ASOS), Kabelka: Od kamarátky


  1. Ty už dávno nie si to dievčatko, čo mi napísalo na Chictopii :) z teba žena, naozaj nádherná žena :)

  2. Krásna si :) naozaj.

  3. čelenka zkadiaľ?

  4. I love your outfit......!!!!! so pretty, so the tights/shorts, almost as pretty as your smile
    Love your look…… I happen to adore the pleated shorts........ the color, the style.....they are shorts?
    You’re so chic! So pretty…and you have such a great sense of style.

    You match perfectly…everything you wear…… you certainly make a super statement.....

    I grew up in tights, being in ballet for 13 years. In fact, mom raised me rather androgynously, so I also wore tights under big sweaters and hip length tunics and such around the house growing up. Your lovely look reminds me of all those days….epsecially when the delivery man would come and I’d meet him at the door and he’s refer to me as Miss……
    Oh, by the way, I’m a guy…and I love fashion as much as I love dance.
    I traveled in Europe this past fall,
    It looks like you have the same affinity for tights as I have…..

    I’ve been raving to my new friends about how much I love the tights/shorts look, so they encouraged me to try it myself…
    and I have in a big way,….. denim cutoffs, high waisted shorts, even a romper…….
    I will following your blog religiously….. thanks for sharing your lovely taste and your beauty

  5. this is such a nude colour bag and you look so sweet in dark blue tights! <3
    would you like to follow each other?
