Čo napísať o minulom týždni? Bolo toho veľmi veľa a myslím, že na mňa až priveľa. Cely týždeň bol stresujúci a vcelku divný. Z matiky z písomky som dostala jednotku, na fyzike ani na slovenčine sa neskúšalo (Pán Boh ma vypočul:-)), písali sme z nemčiny "lekciovku" a dnes sloh. Úprimne, ten sloh asi nebude bohvie čo, pretože som bola mysľou úplne všade inde, len nie tam, kde by som mala byť. *-* V sobotu sme boli na tanečnej súťaži v Bardejove- Kesel dance cup
What to write about last week? It was very much and I think that to me too much. The whole week was stressful, and quite strange.We wrote in German test and style today. Frankly, the style is not so good because I was totally mind elsewhere, just not where I should be. *-* On Saturday we were at a dance competition in Bardejov, Kesel dance cup 2010 and turned it below my expectations. :-( We ended up at? Beautiful? Fifth. Not that makes me pleasure, but I wanted to take another prize from there into the collection. :-) But even so, quite politely, given that we were there, and 15 at least 3 of the Conservatory. :-) While it is true that now I am on the fifth place a little depression, but I look forward and try to do more. :-)) In life, we take some things as would be obvious, although not at all implied.
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